Christmas Crafts – Some crafty ideas for quality time with the kids

Christmas is a time where we cherish family time together, while also focusing on gifts, food and
decorations. December always comes at great expense, so we decided to highlight some DIY
Christmas crafts that can be done together as a family and will avoid breaking the bank.
1) Toilet Roll Reindeer
It’s amazing how versatile everyday throwaway household
items can be, and toilet roll holders are no exception.
All that’s needed for this simple craft, alongside those, are
some red sticky tape, PVA glue or glue stick and different
colours of cardboard paper.
Googly eyes could be a perfect alternative, likewise some
brown felt pipe cleaners would also work for the antlers.
This, fun, hands-on and engaging task is perfect for getting the
children involved in adding that Christmas feel to your home.
2) Homemade miniature Christmas trees
Another quick and easy way to keep the kids
engaged this Christmas is to help them design
their own miniature Christmas trees.
Just a few household items are required for this
one – starting with some green cardboard paper,
a pair of scissors, some glue, and felt tip pens in
the colours of their choice.
You can either trace a Christmas tree template
onto your cardboard, or have a go at your own
free design, before adding layers of decorations
and cutting out around the perimeter.
All that’s left then is to poke a hole in the top,
loop a thin piece of string through and either tie
or Sellotape your tree to where you think is best.
This process could be repeated many times over
until there are mini trees hanging from
everywhere including banisters, lampshades, TV
stands and door knockers – there are dozens of
locations for this simple craft.
3) Santa on a stick
Ice lolly sticks can come into great use around Christmas
time, not least for making miniature Father Christmases.
Instead of discarding the stick when finishing your lolly,
rinse it down and keep a bank of them to make use of at
Christmas time.
These can either be painted, coloured in or coated in felt to
give those traditional Santa Claus colours to ensure he’s
watching all the time.
White felt can be stuck on to make a beard, and some red
ribbon can be hung around the top to help Father Christmas
hang down from your desired point.
Either colour or stick on the eyes and yellow belt buckle to
give this a realistic feel.
It isn’t just Father Christmas that can be laid onto these
sticks, consider creating an elf, reindeer or snowman as
4) Father Christmas Calendar
A fun, daily countdown to Christmas would be to add to
Santa’s beard as the days tick down.
This Christmas craft would see 25 white pom-poms added t
o its dedicated section until Father Christmas has a full
Print a Santa Claus out and trace the outline onto a piece of
cardboard, before either colouring or applying coloured
cardboard to his hat and eyes.
Divide the days up into equal segments until Christmas Day,
numbering them 1-25.
Then all that’s left is to tape or glue one pom-pom each day
onto the appropriate number – before you know it, a full
beard is made and Christmas has arrived!
5) Design your own snowman bauble
Keep hold of your otherwise unused jars this December, as
you never know when they could come into some festive
For this craft, you’ll need some black, white and orange
paint to make your snowman come to life before using
them as a Christmas ornament.
Give your jar a thick coat of white paint so there are no
see-through parts, and leave until dry.
Then add your orange nose before the eyes and a cheesy
smile to show that snowy is happy Christmas is near.
After, loop a piece of string through the lid and hang to
the tree.