Keeping your four-legged friends safe at home this bonfire season

The beginning of November marks the start of the bonfire season when the skies are illuminated with colours, lights and loud bangs. Whilst humans are out celebrating and enjoying the shows, our furry friends can be distressed by the unfamiliar noises.
To try and help owners keep their pets settled and calm this firework season, we have come up with some simple pawesome tips!
- Feed your pet before any displays start
It is important to feed your canine companions earlier than usual or before the fireworks begin as some pets won’t eat if they are anxious. You could also try feeding your pets more than usual as this could help them settle and feel sleepier and more relaxed. - Stay with your pet
This is not possible all the time but your pet will turn to you when they are scared. If you can’t be home with them, see if any of your family members are home or ask someone to pet-sit for you. - Keep them inside
Lock all external doors and windows to try and block out the noises as much as possible. If you have blinds or curtains, close these too so your pets can’t see the flickering lights. Keep all internal doors open so your pet can freely move around and find refuge. - Walk your dog in the daylight
If possible, try and take your dog for a walk in the daylight before the fireworks start, so they don’t have to be out amongst the chaos. You could also take them for a longer walk than usual so they’re more tired in the evening. If your pet needs to go to the toilet during the noisy period, follow them into the garden so they feel reassured. - Try to act normal
If you act stressed your pet will pick up on this and think there’s something to worry about, and trying too hard to comfort them can also heighten their concerns. Distracting them is the best way to deal with a distressed pet. Put a movie on the TV and have lots of blankets to snuggle with your furry friend or get them a new toy that will distract them. - Pet-calming plug-ins
These work by releasing pheromones, chemical substances that our pets release naturally. These plug-ins are odourless and therefore undetectable to humans, but pets can sniff them out easily. They create a continued release of synthetic pheromones to produce a calming effect in the environment.
And remember, if you are hosting your own bonfire party, always check your firewood stack for any animals that may have sneaked in looking for shelter, or accidentally fallen in such as hedgehogs, frogs, and newts.
At Rippon Homes, we not only want our residents to live a stress-free and enjoyable life but for their pets as to as well.
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