Top Tips for Moving House
Posted on 8th August 2022 in News & Views

Moving house can be stressful at any time of year, and as August is the most popular month to move, according to Compare My Move[1], we thought we’d share our top-tips for making it as smooth as possible.
- Have a clear out – before you start packing, sort through all your possessions. Donate any unloved items to a charity shop or sell them online for some extra cash. If you find any items beyond repair, have a look for local recycling centres to make the most out of your unwanted items. The less you have to pack near moving day, the easier your move will be!
- Start early – the last thing you want when moving is a rush to pack up your entire house. Start boxing up your least used items in advance, then work your way up to essential items the day before the move. By packing little and often, you’ll reduce stress and keep your belongings organised. Make sure to store your boxes somewhere out of the way, such as a spare room or around the room’s edges.
- Organise your belongings – make unpacking in your new home easier by grouping your possessions together. Use one box for books and another for cookware, for example. That way, you know where everything goes without having to go from room to room.
- Use labels – make sure to label your boxes clearly with the items in the box and the room they belong in. This will help you take your boxes straight into the right room, making unpacking much easier.
- Set a box aside – leave a spare box and suitcase for essential items, such as clothes, toiletries, cutlery, handwash, and towels. Unpacking can take a long time and there’s nothing worse than not being able to find the things you need. A box of essentials will help you find the most important things first and reduce stress over the coming days.
- Make pet arrangements – moving with pets can be stressful, so make sure you have a plan for when moving day comes around. Ideally, you’d leave your pets with a trusted friend, family member, or boarding kennel. If this isn’t possible, make sure to keep your pet in a safe room while heavy boxes and furniture are being moved. Make sure to unpack their food and water bowls, toys, beds, and litter trays as soon as possible in your new home to help them settle in.
We like to make moving house as stress-free as possible at Rippon, so why not have a chat with our sales team and find out how we can help get you into your dream home? Find your nearest Rippon development here: